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An image of a polar bear napping on an iceberg has drawn attention to the endangered habitats of these animals. Nima Sarikhani’s picture of this polar bear has won the People’s Award for Wildlife Photography of the Natural History Museum of London (NHM). You can download this beautiful picture here for iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Ice Bed wallpaper

This award-winning image clearly shows the threat facing the polar bear species. Scientists agree that this threat is one of the consequences of the climate crisis.

This small iceberg has provided a temporary shelter for the bears – a metaphor for how the animals’ habitats are getting smaller and smaller as the world warms.

Mr. Sarikhani’s photo was selected as the winner through a public poll among the 25 final photos. The photo received 75,000 votes, which the Natural History Museum says is a record. More than 50,000 photos participated in this competition.

Sarikhani took this photo during a three-day exploration in the waters of Norway’s Svalbard archipelago. He said in the news announcement of this award:

This photo has evoked strong emotions in many of its witnesses. Since climate change is the biggest challenge we face, I also hope this picture is hopeful; There is still time to undo the damage we have done.

How to photograph Nima Sarikhani

After three days of searching for polar bears in thick fog, the expedition vessel Nima changed course and headed towards an area with remaining sea ice. There, Nima came across a younger and an older male polar bear. Just before midnight, the young male climbed onto a small iceberg and, with its strong paws, carved out a bed before drifting off to sleep.

Download Wildlife Photography’s award-winning Ice Bed wallpaper

If you like this beautiful Ice Bed wallpaper and want to use it as the background image of your iPhone, iPad or Mac, you can access this wallpaper through the download link below the image in Google Drive.


Ice Bed wallpaper for Mac

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Ice Bed wallpaper iPad

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Ice Bed wallpaper for iPhone

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With all due respect to Mr. Nima Sarikhani, I have posted the LinkedIn page of this artist to appreciate the creation of this work of art. Double the enjoyment of using your iPhone, iPad and Mac by downloading this wallpaper.

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